Redcitrus Design Web Design Portfolio

WordPress website for UTC MediaCityUK

UTC Mediacity screenshot

What I worked on for WordPress website for UTC MediaCityUK

WordPress Web Design

Creation of a custom responsive WordPress theme to match UTC MediaCityUK’s branding.

The theme was built to match a printed brochure that the University had help to create.

The work included the following:

  1. Creation of a responsive WordPress theme to match their brand
  2. Transfer of the domain to a new host and installation and configuration of WordPress
  3. Advanced theme customisation inbulit to allow colour changes, header images, custom widget areas and social media icons
  4. Inner page template with custom sidebar
  5. Dropdown navigation

UTC MediaCity Brochure

UTC MediaCity Brochure

Dropdown menu

UTC Mediacity navigation menu open

Theme Customizer

Theme Customizer screenshot

Inner page template

UTC mediacity inner page screenshot

Website Screenshots

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